Thursday, June 28, 2007
BP chief says co. won't cut its share in JV in Russia
MOSCOW, June 18 (RIA Novosti) - British oil major BP does not plan to cut its share in Russia-based crude producer TNK-BP, the company's CEO said Monday. Speaking at an investment forum in the Russian capital, Tony Hayward said BP would maintain the 50-50 ownership structure in the joint venture, which has so far proved successful. He also said the company would continue investing in Russia. BP has contributed $45 billion in taxes to the Russian budget over the past four years, he said. TNK-BP, the third largest oil producer in Russia, is entangled in a protracted dispute with the authorities and state-controlled energy giant Gazprom [RTS: GAZP] over the operating license for the giant Kovykta gas field held by its subsidiary, Rusia Petroleum. The license regulator is considering revoking the license, citing the company's underproduction. Hayward said dialogue with Gazprom on Kovykta was "detailed and effective." TNK-BP reportedly offered the gas monopoly different cooperation options for the East Siberian field, including establishing a holding with a controlling stake for Gazprom. The formal status of negotiations between TNK-BP and Gazprom is unknown.
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